Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Blog #6 EOTO Technology Research

    During my group's presentation I discussed the topic twitter. Twitter is a Social Networking platform that allows individuals to talk to one another about real world issues or simply jokes/ fun. It's a widespread platform that is used all over the world. Our own president even uses the app to share his thoughts about certain things he is mad over, or simple to promote himself. When you tweet something, anyone in the world can view it, which is actually quite scary. Twitter was founded in San Francisco, CA and was established on march 26, 2006 by Evan Williams and Blz Stone. As the networking platform took off, so did the fake news. There are some known advantages and disadvantages to having twitter as a platform. 


  • Social Networking application that allows for people to attain new knowledge. 

  • Potential of reaching national headlines. 

  • It's all about your interest and what you want to write to post. 

  • Staying informed


  • If there is fake news, then you can get huge backlash for retweeting it.

  • Not enough tools (like for information to be fact checked right on the spot. 

  • Insults or hate crimes shared. 

  • False profiles, such as catfishes, or bots, or fake celebrities. 

    From the presentations in class, I chose to write about instant messaging. Instant messaging (IM) was created back in the 1970s, but was actually implemented in the 1990's. This form of communication is one of the biggest platforms of widespread communication that has ever been brought to the entire world. The creation of IM was a revelation in the world of telecommunication and dramatically changed the way in which people communicated. At first messaging started off with a small telephone that could send short messages to a contact of yours. It gave people personalized numbers to remember so they could contact other individuals, such as family, friends, work etc. The United States first patent towards "phones" was directed towards a company called AOL. AOL back in the day was a service provider as well as a web portal. Meaning that they started the first service for the internet and a phone company. Being able to look up whatever you wanted on your time was something that was completely unheard of in the time. 


  • Instant response times 
  • able to reach another part of the globe without having to send letters. 
  • A new way to live life 
  • Convenient 
  • New opportunities 


  • Non face to face communication
  • No emotional appeal as to how the person is really doing
  • Possibility of being cat-fished
  • Waste time


Blog #4 - Military Operations that are hidden from the General Population

Wonder why we never hear about covert operations that happen in the west? A huge reason as to why is because the media sources focus on mainstream events that take place in the US and disasters that happen in rural places such as the west. I've come to realize that the public is being hidden from the real truth that we need to hear. A big reason as to why we never hear about the media sustaining from real-world news is because the government doesn't want to scare our population into thinking that we are doing the wrong thing. as the government knows they aren't making the most legal and notable decisions. When speaking specifically about why our government would silence anti-war websites, in general, is for a simple reason, and that is capitalism. War, like anything, in the United States is treated like a business. National arms deals bring in a substantial portion of the government's funding. If the citizens of the United States were more aware of information that would make going to war difficult without an uprising by the people, they would lose a lot of money. When looking at the latest news during the BLM protest, the citizens around the united states wanted to defund the police for a mass amount of actions that could have been dealt in other non lethal way. knowing that a huge number of our population doesn't know the actual truth about what our nation does behind the scenes, it would bring a huge uproar to the funding of the military. Thus, many would be chanting and rioting to defund the military for unnecessary missions that could get us into un wanted war. The American people have the fundamental right to talk back to the government, as this is called Protect Dissent. We have the right to tell the government "No government we do not want you going into Syria to chase out unwanted Russians" Ex "No government we do not want you trading black listed sources with China". We have the First Amendment Right to chose where we put our money and whether its worth it for our country. These sources are extremely important as its an eye opener the media does not cover them. 



Blog #5 Eight values of free expression

While reading over the eight values of free expression, I

learned a lot about how our system works. One expression that really stuck out to me, was Protect Dissent. Protect dissent is the cause of which our fundamental system works as a whole to create rights about talking back to the government. No matter what or who you are, you still have the right to talk back and explain your views on what the government is doing wrong! I believe that this is very relevant to the time we are currently in. Such as the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. we as a community have the say and vote whether one of them wins or not. more importantly recently the population has been turning on Donald trump, because of ignorant and unnecessary actions. For example, recently he stated that we would be taking out all of our military troops from Afghanistan by Christmas. How would this be possible for one, and for 2 why in the hell would the president let the entire enemy regime know that all of our troops are leaving. All the work we have done over there. our president is making a fool of our troops, which is making the enemy side celebrate. Protect Dissent is very relevant to every topic within 2020's debate. Here are the Eight values of free expression that are extremely important to us as Americans.  

1. Marketplace of Ideas 

Marketplace of ideas is the idea that if fake news is put out into the world, then we will always find out the truth but within time. This is why publishing real stories for news sources takes a degree in order to influence the population with your story views. 

2. Participation In Self - Government 

Freedom of speech and the relation it has to the self government. Community Participation in self government is extremely important because most citizens do not choose to part take in views/ votes. My professor explained that citizens will not make the most logical vote in elections, because they do not know who to vote for, or they simply do not know how to voice their opinion. That's why having others to explain open minded views helps individuals make a more logical system. 

3. Stable Change 

Is the effect where, when the public is angry the government wants them to vent about how they feel. This is a more stable change because then these public groups are less likely to resort to violence. While these groups can speak freely, the government can also monitor if there are militia, facist or overall dangerous groups. This is very helpful in making the public less violent in general, i could only imagine what would happen if this law was not a thing. 

4. Individual Self-Fulfillment 

Individual Self- Fulfillment is freedom of speech. Which allows the individual to express how they feel creating their own narrative of who they are. Freedom of speech is apart of who we are as a nation and as a whole. 

5. Check On Governmental Power

Is the review by the population to make sure that the government or press does not have abusive power. Freedom of press allows citizens to learn about governmental use of abusive power within our own government. 

6. Promote Tolerance 

Hateful speech or speech that makes us upset tunes us to be more tolerant towards events such as this. The more tolerant we are, the more we can understand each-other. 

7. Promote Innovation 

A society where the influence of freedom of speech is highly valued and protected. Which allows people to have differences in opinions but still respect one an-others. 

8. Protect Dissent 

Protect dissent is the cause of which our fundamental system works as a whole to create rights about talking back to the government. The right to criticize the government and to uplift your unvalued opinion. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Post #3 - Our First Amendment Rights Applying to Black Lives Matter Protest


   During my time sifting through current news sources, I found one headline that struck out to me titled "A New Report Says 93% of BLM Protest Have Been Peaceful". In the start of the article, it specifically focuses on the facts that aren't necessarily brought to light within the news world. Such facts state, "93% of Black Life Matter Movement have been peaceful, despite a highly polarized political climate and reports on the news emphasizing instances of destruction, looting and overall lawlessness". These reports were mainly taken from the Crisis Monitor which analyzed the events surrounding the police killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. On May, 25 2020 George Floyd's life was taken under circumstances that were not ok. On March, 13 2020 Breonna Taylor was fatally shot in her home under police circumstances. Both Events Brought an uproar to the BLM community world wide, which created the protest. These events were not the only events and the main cause as to why the protest lashed out, it was because it has been happening for years now without enough recognition to the entire world. Looking into the article a bit more, a tweet is shown in a picture stating, "The Crisis Monitor and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University identified over 100 instances of non-state actors, including at least 20 distinct far-right militia groups, intervening in BLM demonstrations, sometimes violently, since May 24". Creating a view to many in the public eye that BLM is a disastrous campaign that is promoting violence. In most cases this narrative was not true. Seeing the uproar that the looting, violence and militia groups involved did not help their case drive further. 5% of these protests included these groups which is a VERY low percentage according to research done by collaborators (ACLED). Views on the protest are actually good, Research shows that the protest have had a beneficial view on younger and older individuals. This also shows the injustice that we have in our country. looking at another study... "Another Morning Consult poll found that only 54% of U.S. adults (49% of white Americans and 77% of Black Americans) supported the protests taking place after Floyd’s death. In that same poll, researchers found that 42% of Americans believe that “most of the current protesters are trying to incite violence or destroy property, even though some are peaceful and want to bring about meaningful social reform.” This is extremely interesting as most of the population agrees with one another. Despite the media mainly focusing on the looting and vandalism there is little evidence proving that demonstrators have turned the protest to violent. 

    Although the protesters were using their first amendment rights it was a tricky situation because of the confusion towards the media outlets quoting for all protesters as violent. The vandalism, looting, racist groups and militia groups were not a part of exercising their right to protest. They were outright spreading the wrong message and blatantly making crimes. The first amendment condones exercising the right to protest and the right of freedom of speech. This is a tricky situation to talk about because there is so much information that is needed to be talked about for the information to make further sense.


Blog# 2 - The Supreme Court

 The Supreme court is the one of the Highest Federal Branches in the United States. Early in the Day (1789) the US constitution created the supreme court. The Supreme Court is the most powerful branch that supervises over all of the laws within the United States. The Court has only six jurors that can take part of the decisions being made.  President George Washington issued that the six jurors had to stay in law until they retired or passed away. Learning that the supreme court was initially started on February 1, 1790 and then pushed on to February 2, 1790 because of issues revolving meeting times. In the first term of the supreme court, they did not receive any cases that needed to be dealt with. In there second term of the supreme court they received a mass amount of cases to adhere to. The very first term of the supreme court included John Rutledge, John Jay, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison and James Wilson. Out of the six that were elected John Jay was the Chief Of Justice ruling over the entire supreme court. The Chief Of Justices job is to set weekly meetings for the justices. He also had the option to rule who wrote the cases opinion through the Supreme Court. The Chief Of Justice is responsible for the actions of our president, which means that if our president were to be impeached by the public then John Jay would be the one making sure it happens. In 1869 the supreme court ordered that the justice system would need 9 spots rather than 5, which includes the Chief of justice. Meaning that the 9 spots would actually be 10 spots and the 5 spots would be 6 spots. Till this day in 2020 we still have 9 spots including a Chief Of Justice. In our current system of Supreme courts in office, we have, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Neil Gorsuch (2020). There are 3 remarkable justices that helped us get to where the Supreme Court is standing today. Starting off with the most recognizable one, Chief Of Justice- John Marshall. John Marshall was known and referred to be one of the most dominant Chief Justices. He had the longest term of any Chief Of Justices that ever took action. He also created the rule and review on federal laws during the case of 1803 Marbury v. Madison. In 1930 as a new Chief of Justice was elected, Chief Justice Charles Evan Hughes. He created the rights of having property rights. Lastly, Elected in 1950 and lasted till the 1960's, Earl Warren. Earl Warren created the laws that banned school segregation,  and also created the miranda rights. The miranda rights are very crucial because it is your right to remain silent and refrain from incriminating yourself. 

Week 15: Audit Your Online Presence

 Our online footprint is a huge presence, From using facebook to instagram, or simply other websites. Every site we go to, every password we...