Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Blog #5 Eight values of free expression

While reading over the eight values of free expression, I

learned a lot about how our system works. One expression that really stuck out to me, was Protect Dissent. Protect dissent is the cause of which our fundamental system works as a whole to create rights about talking back to the government. No matter what or who you are, you still have the right to talk back and explain your views on what the government is doing wrong! I believe that this is very relevant to the time we are currently in. Such as the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. we as a community have the say and vote whether one of them wins or not. more importantly recently the population has been turning on Donald trump, because of ignorant and unnecessary actions. For example, recently he stated that we would be taking out all of our military troops from Afghanistan by Christmas. How would this be possible for one, and for 2 why in the hell would the president let the entire enemy regime know that all of our troops are leaving. All the work we have done over there. our president is making a fool of our troops, which is making the enemy side celebrate. Protect Dissent is very relevant to every topic within 2020's debate. Here are the Eight values of free expression that are extremely important to us as Americans.  

1. Marketplace of Ideas 

Marketplace of ideas is the idea that if fake news is put out into the world, then we will always find out the truth but within time. This is why publishing real stories for news sources takes a degree in order to influence the population with your story views. 

2. Participation In Self - Government 

Freedom of speech and the relation it has to the self government. Community Participation in self government is extremely important because most citizens do not choose to part take in views/ votes. My professor explained that citizens will not make the most logical vote in elections, because they do not know who to vote for, or they simply do not know how to voice their opinion. That's why having others to explain open minded views helps individuals make a more logical system. 

3. Stable Change 

Is the effect where, when the public is angry the government wants them to vent about how they feel. This is a more stable change because then these public groups are less likely to resort to violence. While these groups can speak freely, the government can also monitor if there are militia, facist or overall dangerous groups. This is very helpful in making the public less violent in general, i could only imagine what would happen if this law was not a thing. 

4. Individual Self-Fulfillment 

Individual Self- Fulfillment is freedom of speech. Which allows the individual to express how they feel creating their own narrative of who they are. Freedom of speech is apart of who we are as a nation and as a whole. 

5. Check On Governmental Power

Is the review by the population to make sure that the government or press does not have abusive power. Freedom of press allows citizens to learn about governmental use of abusive power within our own government. 

6. Promote Tolerance 

Hateful speech or speech that makes us upset tunes us to be more tolerant towards events such as this. The more tolerant we are, the more we can understand each-other. 

7. Promote Innovation 

A society where the influence of freedom of speech is highly valued and protected. Which allows people to have differences in opinions but still respect one an-others. 

8. Protect Dissent 

Protect dissent is the cause of which our fundamental system works as a whole to create rights about talking back to the government. The right to criticize the government and to uplift your unvalued opinion. 

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