Monday, December 14, 2020

Week 13 EOTO pt. 2 Blog #10

 While reviewing all of our classmates presentations, the one that i enjoyed the most was group 1. Group 1 talked about Awareness in the world. Awareness is a huge asset to have in your life, it doesn't only help you understand life more as a whole, it allows you to be who you are. It allows you to know where you are, who you are around , what your doing, everything consist of awareness in our lives. Group 1 focused on six different fields of information. Propaganda, Disinformation, Smith-mundt act, Total information awareness, False Flag, Five Eyes. 

As a whole, Group 1 made me understand the impact that awareness of information has on us, and how much we don't realize the effects it has on us. Such as propaganda. For example, propaganda is used everywhere in the US, now do we notice it? No, well thats because its become a common commodity and is everywhere. Newspapers, news, tv, posters, military, etc. 

Great presentation, i think this group killed it. 

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